Celebrating small wins

I have a client who is doing nutrition coaching with me. We have been working together since the end of October 2021. Since then, he lost 10 kg, which we are both really happy with.👏🏼

As part of his routine, he has to submit pictures of his transformation, so we can monitor the changes not just by numbers but by the look too (we also have some other measurements in place) to make sure we are on the right track and the weight that he loses is coming from fat mass primarily not from muscle mass. These measurements are important, because as we all know, the scale is lying to us most of the time.

But back to the story, as usual, he submitted his pictures. He is a pretty modest guy. When I saw the recent photos, I was amazed. The 10 kg difference was so visible that I had to wipe my eyes that I was seeing it correctly. I quickly put the pictures together, side by side, to show him the comparison.

On our weekly Zoom call, he told me that he couldn’t believe his eyes that how much he has changed and the picture allowed him to let the changes sink, and celebrate a milestone that he has achieved.

After the conversation with him, I realised that most of the time, we are so focused on the big picture that we don’t allow ourselves to celebrate the small wins the right way. We are not allowing these milestones to sink in properly, because we are focusing on the big picture too much. So today I would like to ask each of you to celebrate your wins, regardless of how small they are. Fitness and health is a journey there is a high chance that you are never going to reach your big goal because goals are fluid, they are constantly changing.

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