

NEAT is probably the most underrated aspect of your attempts at weight loss.

It stands for Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. Which is just a fancy way of saying it’s the energy spent during your everyday activities, like walking, fidgeting, gardening, etc.

NEAT typically ranges between 15-25% of your body’s spent energy.

So why should you care? Because it means that the 30-60 mins you spend working out is likely not enough.

One of the things I work on with clients, is their step count.

This doesn’t have to include walks, although it helps. Adding purposeful movement throughout the day can be a game-changer for your results.

The chances are you’re reading this from a seated position (drop a hand up emoji in the comments if I was right!). The chances that you have been sitting for the majority of the day…even higher.

Want results faster? Move more.

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