Personal Training

What Personal Training Can Do For you

Abs are made in the kitchen, but they are built by lifting weights

I often ask this question to my clients and loved ones:

“If you would be told at the age of 17, that you have only one car for your rest of your life would you look after it?”

The answers are often something like: absolutely, of course I would… is this a tick question?!

I then ask why don’t you treat your body the same way? Your body is the only vehicle we have to take us through our years, so why don’t you make a habit to look after it… Usually after this statement the penny drops, and training then becomes high on the individual value system.

At Zsofit we care deeply about changing the narrative and story around keeping the body at optimal levels of performance while improving body composition for our clients.

How do we get your vehicle (body) looking and performing at its best ?

  • We assess the body and associated movements
  • We plan the training journey to provide clients with peace of mind
  • We execute the plan
  • We constantly review, reassess and adjust the plan throughout our feedback system
  • We maintain. Just like a car, your body requires ongoing maintenance
  • We educate and improve

In-Person Training

$55 /30 min

$75 /45 min

  • Individualised programming
  • Technique correction and education
  • Movement screening

The Zsofit Difference

  • We don’t just promise we deliver
  • We work with motivated clients
  • We set realistic expectations
  • We know how hard the journey is!
  • We practice what we preach
  • We keep fitness SIMPLE

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