Physical activity is not a punishment

We need to stop negotiating for junk food aka. sweets, soft drinks, desserts, cookies, frappes, beer, etc. with exercise.

You don’t have to do anything to eat and drink whatever you want.🥙🍣

Never punish yourself with physical activity after eating something, whatever it is. Enjoy the foods and drinks you eat and feel good about them at the moment. Enjoy going for coffee or a few beers with friends. Food is a positive thing, especially when it involves bringing us closer together and forming human connections. 👥

Physical activity is not a punishment.

Physical activity is done because you feel good about it because it is fun and good for your long-term health.💪

Eating what we want and also exercising are two POSITIVE things we do because we feel good about it in one way or another. One doesn’t have to be conditional on the other and neither should be a reward or punishment for the other.

◾️ Exercise because you feel good about it.

◾️ Treat yourself and enjoy food because you feel good about it.

◾️ Stop the self-abuse, negative self-talk, and self-inflicted punishment. Be physically active, enjoy the foods you often love, and do what you feel good about.

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