About Zsofia

Hi there, my name is Zsofia.

I have been living in Perth, Australia since the end of 2018. Originally, I am from Hungary.

I deliver tailored, flexible training and nutrition solutions for the modern day professional.

My fitness journey

My fitness journey started at a relatively young age. I was playing water polo and other sport throughout my childhood, inspired by my dad, who was a professional volleyball player back in Hungary.

Although this story sounds relatively common, the real story couldn’t be more different. My journey began when I started my economics degree at university in 2012. I quickly found that I joined the rat race and became consumed with studying, partying and socialising. In this period of my life, my health took a back seat and I spent very little time focusing on maintaining and improving my health.

After my university studies, I felt lost, I didn’t know what I would like to do with my life. The only thing that I knew was that I did not want to work in the field that I studied. (R.I.P. uni tuition fees). I then decided to travel, and I went on a vacation to Japan for six weeks which then ended with an irrefutable offer from a big corporation back in Hungary, so I returned home to work in an office based role.

The position was great. Nice people, high salary, relatively easy job, but still something was missing. I was feeling like a caged bird. I found myself in a hamster wheel when I was doing the same thing days in and out. Furthermore, I was unhappy. I slowly put 10 kg on, and I didn’t even notice it. With hindsight, there was no priority on my health and because of that I felt constantly exhausted.

“With hindsight, there was no priority on my health and because of that I felt constantly exhausted.”

On one Wednesday, to be exact on the 13th of March 2018, I went home from work (feeling the same “unmotivated” as I always felt) and I found my flatmate drinking a beer on the balcony. She invited me to have a drink with her, and I said no immediately. Drinking on a Wednesday night?!? She must have been out of her mind… then she asked why? A Million of reasons crossed my mind why drinking on a Wednesday night felt inappropriate, but none of them seemed to be reasonable during this situation, so I sat with her and grabbed a cider. We started talking about the meaning of life, expectations, work, and who we really are. She asked me hard questions, questions that no one ever asked before her, and for the first time in my life I was speechless because I didn’t know the answers… It was shocking as to how much I felt I didn’t know myself.

The next morning, I woke up with a now or never feeling. The conversation that I had with my flatmate the previous night opened my eyes. I went to the office half an hour earlier than usual, and I bought a single-way ticket to Australia. I didn’t have a plan. The only thing that I knew was that I needed some changes.

After arriving in Perth, I decided that I didn’t want to do the same thing that I have done back home. I needed novelty, I needed to figure out who I was, so I started working in jobs that I frowned upon back home. I became a swimming instructor. What could have been more different from working for a big corporate office than working with 3-10 years old kids and teaching them how to swim? I was enjoying it, I learned a lot from the kids, and I learned to live in the present. During this period I got back to the gym and slowly, but surely I lost the extra 10 kg that I put on whilst I was working at the office. I also realised that I have a huge passion for fitness and helping people change their lives. 

I now own and operate ZsoFit which has been built on the foundations of grit, determination and a passion for extracting the very best out of each individual that we are privileged to work with.

You are in good hands working with me as I not only love what I do, I also strive to deliver a safe and knowledgeable experience backed by the following accreditations:

I went to the office half an hour earlier than usual, and I bought a single-way ticket to Australia. I didn’t have a plan. The only thing that I knew was that I needed some changes.

Train with Zsofia

I provide tailored, flexible training and nutrition solutions for the modern day professional.